VERGE- Vicariously Enter the Realm of Good (motherfuckin'*) Entertainment- is performing a skit tomorrow evening at this event:
I was charged with writing the script... and directing... and acting. Three things I have inconsiderable experience in. Yet, the show will go on- and it will be off the bomb. SO IT IS SAID!
Here is the script**:
(Video coming next week)
*This is not a part of the official VERGE name
**Script is loosely based off an anecdote about Ubuntu, which was also the famous rallying cry for the 2007-08 Boston Celtics, the eventual NBA Champions.
Friday, November 30, 2012
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Jersey Campbell's Quote of the Day: the passion of the masses
This quote garnered a "same shit I was saying yo!" from me as soon as I read it. Because really, this is the same shit I be saying.
"The masses have never thirsted after truth. They demand illusions, and cannot do without them. They constantly give what is unreal precedence over what is real; they are almost as strongly influenced by what is untrue as by what is true. They have an evident tendency not to distinguish between the two."
- quote taken from The Art of Seduction by Robert Green
"The masses have never thirsted after truth. They demand illusions, and cannot do without them. They constantly give what is unreal precedence over what is real; they are almost as strongly influenced by what is untrue as by what is true. They have an evident tendency not to distinguish between the two."
- quote taken from The Art of Seduction by Robert Green
Monday, November 19, 2012
JC and NYC Rob on the radio and shit
This past weekend, Jersey Campbell and NYC Robert- on behalf of VERGE- were invited to Best Kept Secret. Judging by the name, we're guessing some of y'all don't know what Best Kept Secret is... let's clear it up. It is a web radio show on the SUNY Old Westbury Web Radio network hosted by Lady Rae. But shhh, keep it a secret.
Here is a brief clip from the interview showing our very own JC performing some poetry for the listeners. Yeah, we video record radio shows, because there are no morals. Listen.. and be enthralled.
Friday, November 16, 2012
Jersey Campbell's Vocabulary Word of the Day: Pillory
Pillory: a wooden framework erected on a post, with holes for securing the head and hands, formerly used to expose an offender to public derision.
In a sentence: The pillory could still be effective today. It is often public sentiment that helps maintain our morality.
In a sentence: The pillory could still be effective today. It is often public sentiment that helps maintain our morality.
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Empathy Flashlight by KV Sart
We speak in muted tones
Earthy muds and forest greens
Take me in through the back
Shelter me from the storm
I’ll give you my kidney
Take care of the child
Let him free upon this plane
Tell him his pain is the same
As your pain
Rise above the scree hand in hand
There is a dip in the boulder
Water collects in this place
The early morning rain has passed
But here it remains
Reminiscent drops of past
Be civil young man
For this place is a civil one
Do not forget your head
Stubbornness is the starless night
Empathy is the flashlight
Monday, November 12, 2012
It's about time by Jersey Campbell
Time lacks the eternal strength it is attributed
For with time our physical beings become old, brittle, stale
and feeble
With time, rises fade while roses bloom
With time, eyes observe cycles of birth and death
So with time, we live
With time, we seek a fulfillment of magnificent proportions
Yet in time, the sands of the hourglass eventually run out,
only to be flipped over, so that another cycle may begin
The meaning is too elusive, so with time we grow and learn
Only for the hourglass to be flipped over once again
Lessons re-learned and new flowers bloom
In time, we forget all truths granted to us because when the
hourglass flips, time resets
Time is no more eternal than the souls traveling through its
But what a novel concept! Time ushers enlightenment… a spiritual
awakening is an inevitable result
The only inevitability, is the loss of time itself and the
eventual resurrection of the eternal paradox
A realization is in order. An epiphany of divine nature
Time waits for no man, and no man will wait for time
In time we act, decisions made determining the fate of our
lives which, in time, will end in death
It is with time we grow, and in time we decompose
An inquiry: what have we learned? In which way have we
Time is simply a paradigm
Moments in mirrors which mimic the times passed
Reflections of fallen eras haunt our contemporary dreams
With time we become corrupt
In time our minds expand to see the vast wasteland that was
once promise and hope
The hourglass is reset, and time, laid to rest
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Election Thoughts by KV Sart
Jersey has asked me to write a brief essay concerning the
election. Even if he had not asked for
something “brief”, I can’t honestly say that I have a great deal to write about
the election. For me, the election has
the feel of sporting event, something like the Super Bowl. There is a side which I have chosen as my
favorite, I root for that side to win, which is fun for a time leading up to
the event and during the event itself, and then, the next day, I am left
feeling slightly let down.
For some
reason we build the election up into this massive marker of whether or not the
country is fucked, and depending on which side you agree with, you either think
its time to leave the country, or you spend the next 2 months fantasizing about
how much better the country is now that someone who you think you agree with is
in power.
Not only is
the presidential election an undertaking in ego masturbation for the
candidates, it is likewise for voters.
It is a time when people allow themselves to say, “see, I am right, you
are wrong, the majority of the people believe what I believe.”
The greater
reality to remember during these times is this: it is hardly ever the president
who makes the biggest social changes.
For sure, there have been good presidents who have done good things, but
it is hardly ever the ones we “elect” to do good things who end up being the
ones who do the greatest things.
So, for
those who voted for losing candidates, relax, your day-to-day reality remains
unchanged. For those who voted for
candidates that won, congratulations, you were on the right side of what is
essentially a 50/50 bet. Sorry to be so
cynical, but both sides seem to have neglected honest discourse and
sound reasoning during the campaign, little seems to have
really changed.
Jersey Campbell's notebook ramblings: thoughts on the election
Sources tell me there was an election in America last night,
and now a black guy is president? Wait, wait? He’s been president for four
years already! Wow! What progress we’ve made!
If I can be super cereal for a minute, I’d like to share my
thoughts on the election:
Monday, November 5, 2012
Jersey Campbell's Quote of the Day: The Fifth of November
"Voilà! In view, a humble vaudevillian veteran cast vicariously as both victim and villain by the vicissitudes of Fate. This
visage, no mere veneer of vanity, is a vestige of the vox populi, now
vacant, vanished. However, this valourous visitation of a bygone
vexation stands vivified and has vowed to vanquish these venal and
virulent vermin vanguarding vice and vouchsafing the violently vicious
and voracious violation of volition! The only verdict is vengeance; a
vendetta held as a votive, not in vain, for the value and veracity of
such shall one day vindicate the vigilant and the virtuous. Verily, this
vichyssoise of verbiage veers most verbose, so let me simply add that
it's my very good honor to meet you and you may call me V."
- V
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