Tuesday, July 31, 2012

VERGE presents Open Mic Night Deets

VERGE presents Open Mic Night

looking for deets? we got ya deets right here...

WHO: VERGE, other supremely talented peoples, and you of course

WHAT: open mic. xpress ur essence

WHEN: tonight, July 31st at 7:30 PM

WHERE: Retro Lounge in Freeport, NY

WHY: it's all in the name of self-expression in various mediums

HOW: $10 admission fee. we all ballers out here that's nothin'.... NOTHIN'.

Vicariously Enter the Realm of Good Entertainment


Come and see talented individuals express themselves via Poetry, Spoken Word, Music, Comedy, Dance, Storytelling, and more. No need to take a train ride out to The City, we've got your underground entertainment right on Long Island.

Performers who bring three guests with them get in free.

Grown & Sexy
$10 admission (two drink/food minimum)
sign-up @ door or contact us @vicariousworld or teambaady@gmail.com.

 There will another brief discussion segment. The question for this edition:
"Is it okay for your girl to hangout with other guys without you? "

Retro Lounge
10 Brooklyn Avenue
Freeport, NY 11520

RSVP on Facebook

Don't forget to LIKE us on Facebook

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Sincere Fictions Pt. 2: the Radical Black Man weighs in by Jersey Campbell

In response to the sentiments expressed by the Well-Informed Black Guy, the Radical Black Man reveals his opinions on the state of race relations in America. 

Excuse me, for I am no racist (bet the real racists would call me “reverse racist” or some ridiculous shit like that), I simply expose the world to truth. The well-informed Black Guy needs to change his title to “some dumb ass House Negro”, because I have never seen nor heard such malarkey in my life. No, that’s not true; I hear that every time I read the newspaper or turn on the news when the subject broaches race relations. Let me reveal my clean glass of water to you, so that you may recognize your glass as filthy.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

VERGE Presents **Open Mic Night** 07.31.12

VERGE presents Open Mic Night @ Retro Lounge
07.31.12 (July 31st, 2012) 

Come and see talented individuals express themselves via Poetry, Spoken Word, Music, Comedy, Dance, Storytelling, and more. No need to take a train ride out to The City, we've got your underground entertainment right on Long Island.

Performers who bring three guests with them get in free.

Grown & Sexy
$10 admission (two drink/food minimum)
sign-up @ door or contact us @vicariousworld or teambaady@gmail.com.

 There will another brief discussion segment. The question for this edition:
"Is it okay for your girl to hangout with other guys without you? "

Retro Lounge
10 Brooklyn Avenue
Freeport, NY 11520

RSVP on Facebook

Don't forget to LIKE us on Facebook

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Sincere Fictions Pt. 1: as told by some well-informed Black Guy by Jersey Campbell

“Sincere fictions are personal ideological constructions that reproduce societal mythologies at the individual level.”
            Since the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, discrimination and racism has come to a screeching halt. It was a major victory for all minorities in America. As a Black Man, I have little to nothing to complain about. I have so many opportunities equal to and sometimes even greater than white people. Affirmative action has provided me, and my fellow Black Americans, with a severely needed boost in employment and housing. 

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Can a guy have female friends while in a relationship? by NYC Robert

This question dawned on me when I had asked a girl (I don't know her very well, but it seemed like we share common interest), "Would she like to get some lunch?" At the time, she knew enough about me to say that it wouldn’t be appropriate, solely because I am in a relationship. Though I had a feeling that would be her answer, I didn’t quite understand. She went on and on and simply concluded that it wouldn’t be right. Still, I didn’t understand. I then turned the scenario around, and asked her if she has male friends. Turns out, she does. I dug a bit deeper, "What's the difference between them and me?"After we discussed it for a while longer I realized she wasn’t saying much, just repeating herself. She also wasn’t stating much other then, "Because you're in a relationship."

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Jersey Campbell's Vocabulary Word of the Day: Recalcitrant

Good day to you. We've got another Vocabulary Word of the Day for you to soak into your brain thingy.

As you can see, the Wannabe Writers of VW are all on vacation right now, including me. We do have lives outside of bringing incomparable joy to our five readers. Jeez. Read... and expand your vocabulary.

Recalcitrant: resisting authority or control; not obedient or compliant; refractory
                     hard to deal with, manage, or operate

Example: JC was a recalcitrant little bugger in adolescence; his parents often had to slap him up due to his unruly nature and rude attitude. Ain't shit change. 

Saturday, July 7, 2012

VERGE presents Open Mic Night @ Retro Lounge 07.17.12

VERGE presents Open Mic Night @ Retro Lounge

07.17.12 (July 17th, 2012)

Come and see talented individuals express themselves via Poetry, Spoken Word, Music, Comedy, Dance, Storytelling, and more. No need to take a train ride out to The City, we've got your underground entertainment right on Long Island.

Performers who bring three guests with them get in free.

Grown & Sexy
$10 admission (two drink/food minimum)
sign-up @ door or contact us @vicariousworld or teambaady@gmail.com.

Retro Lounge
10 Brooklyn Avenue
Freeport, NY 11520

RSVP on Facebook

Don't forget to LIKE us on Facebook

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Jersey Campbell's Quote of the Day: Happy Independence Day

Just wanted to take some time out to wish all the Anglo-Saxon White Men Who Own Property a very very happy Independence Day. We wouldn't be free without you! God bless the Minute Men! Death to the Redcoats!

Today's very special Quote of the Day comes to us from a document familiar to me and my fellow American lovin' patriots- the Declaration of Independence. You never know, I might write one of these soon. Probably not though, that was a joke. Please don't arrest me.  

"When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men* are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."

- Taken from my boy Thomas Jefferson (used to call him 'TJ' back in the day) in The Declaration of Independence. 

*'Men', not women. Women weren't ready yet.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Jersey Campbell interviews... NYC Robert: Pt 1

Editor's Note: There's a new feature here at VW called "Jersey Campbell Interviews..." They aren't really interviews, but conversations with specific talking points JC (he wants us to call him that now, and it's not because of his adoration for the guy from N'Sync) wants to address. They will be in written format until we figure out how to get the audio files on the website. Bear with us. One day it'll be a podcast and we'll all strain to hear his accelerated speech. Read.. and be merry. 

Jersey Campbell: Hello. This is the first interview in a series of interviews entitled “Jersey Campbell Interviews…”
Today we are interviewing a good friend and a fellow contributor to Vicarious World, NYC Robert.
NYC Robert: It’s about time you had me on this show Jersey. My god, what’s been taking you so long?
JC: It’s about time? This is the first one…
Rob: Let’s keep ‘em coming.
JC: Yeah. You uh, popped my cherry. Let’s get down to business. Real talk, how many women do you have?

Sunday, July 1, 2012

**Vicarious World's Best of the Month**: The June Edition

Good day folks. What a month here at VW. This month saw the debut of VERGE, "an organization dedicated to self-expression, intellectual engagement, and productive networking." They had their first Open Mic Night, and we're hearing it was great success! Not to be outdone by anyone, JC was resurrected and promptly went about carrying the blog on his back do. Brother even wrote two poems! Up is down and down is up, dogs are humping cats, NYC Rob is physically attracted to men, mass hysteria all around!