Wednesday, February 29, 2012

*Vicarious World's Best of the Month*: The Winter Edition

It's been a lukewarm minute since our last edition of the Best of the Month, that's why we are bringing you Vicarious World's best of the Winter Months. The Team of Wannabe Writers have assembled their best work from the past three months and consolidated them into one neat and tidy post for your viewing pleasure. This edition features everything from K.V. Sart's short stories to NYC Robert's prose poetry. Add in a little (not so friendly) debate between NYC Robert and Jersey Campbell with another installment of J. Camp's "peek" series and we got ourselves another well-rounded edition of Vicarious World's Best of the Month. Read, and be merry.

Never Hike Alone With Preface by K.V. Sart
Life is a never ending hike my friends, companions are essential. K.V. Sart delivers another beautiful short story. 

The Girl He Never Had Part 1: First Outing By NYC Robert
The gauntlet of emotions running through one's mind during that first date is well-depicted in NYC Rob's short story.

A peek inside the soul of a soulless man Pt. IV: Hell Hath No Fury? by Jersey Campbell
Another "peek," another rational rant. Readers beware, Mr. Campbell gets a tad bit blasphemous in this edition. 

Sport: Mind Games by NYC Robert
Sports are 90 percent mental. I heard that somewhere. If you can conquer your mind, conquering your opponents will be that much easier.

The Responsibility of Expressing Freedom by K.V. Sart
Dogma is dangerous. Freedom is useless if not exercised continuously. K.V. Sart explains.

**Vicarious World Special**: Women and Dating Evolution by Jersey Campbell and NYC Robert
Is it time to restructure our dating habits? Another verbal tussle between J. Camps and NYC Rob. Another debate that ends in a totally different place then where it started.

Voting Illiteracy by Jersey Campbell
Somehow, someway, Mr. Campbell ties NBA All-Star voting to general elections. The surprising part? It makes sense.

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